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Tensegrity Foot – Thumbnails

Tensegrity foot model

Write descriptive text here. Include approximate date the model was built, if that is known.


Three of these images are annotated with strut lengths, as can be seen in the larger versions below. (Click on any of the images above to see them in larger format.)

Tensegrity foot — all images (temporary post)

The Tensegrity Foot Caps model — Questions for Tom

Hi Tom,

I welcome any advice you have about layout for presenting the Foot Caps model. Right now you are looking at a post that contains all of the images we have of this model. Each image is shown in the three different sizes that WordPress likes to display.

The following links show two possible layouts for this information. Let me know what appeals to you.  Tensegrity Foot – Thumbnails    or    Tensegrity Foot – Medium size    or suggest something else.


  • What we should call this model? I got Tensegrity Foot Caps from the file names; do we have a better name?
  • Should we keep the second image, or delete it? The second image is a non-cropped version of the first image.


Keep the following images

T-foot-caps-medial1.jpg item=3791 1512 × 1521
higher resolution image than T-_foot_caps_medial.jpg and T-foot-caps-medial.jpg


T-foot-caps-medial2.jpg item=3793 2272 × 1704
DO WE NEED TO KEEP THIS? It looks like T-foot-caps-medial1.jpg is a cropped and contrast-improved version of this image.


T-foot-caps-posterior_meas.jpg item=3797 1704 × 2272


T-foot-caps-posterior.jpg item=3796 1704 × 2272
KEEP THIS. The image T-foot-caps-posterior_meas.jpg is derived from this one by improving the contrast and also adding handwritten measurements.


T-foot-caps-plantar_meas.jpg item=3795 1704 × 2272
Has handwritten labels showing measurements of rod length.


T-foot-caps-plantar.jpg item=3794 1704 × 2272
KEEP THIS IMAGE. The image T-foot-caps-plantar_meas.jpg is derived from this by improving contrast and adding handwritten rod-length measurements.



T-foot-caps-dorsal_meas.jpg item=3789 1704 × 2272
Has handwritten labels showing measurements of rod length.



T-foot-caps-dorsal-3_41.jpg item=3786 1430 × 1920
An oblique dorsal view, different from T-foot-caps-dorsal_meas.jpg


T-foot-caps-lateral.jpg item=3790 2272 × 1704


Delete the following images and associated posts

T-_foot_caps_medial.jpg item=3801 605 × 608
low resolution version of T-foot-caps-medial1.jpg



T-foot-caps-medial.jpg item=3792 605 × 608
low resolution version of T-foot-caps-medial1.jpg


T-foot-caps-dorsal-3_4.jpg item=3787 590 × 792
Low resolution version of T-foot-caps-dorsal-3_41.jpg


Here are all the above images again, but this time thumbnail size

Here are all the above images again, but this time medium size.