
Geometry of Anatomy 2007
Identifies tensegrity geometry homologous to the human body.

The Bones of Tensegrity 2012
Explores how tensegrity fascial nets support joints.


This following is a partial list of artists, researchers, doctors and other professionals who are doing work related to tensegrity and biotensegrity.

Kenneth Snelson is the true father of ‘tensegrity’, In 1948 he created the first tensegrity structures. He is recognized as a seminal figure in minimalist art and has continued to create tensegrity based sculptures that are exhibited internationally.
Click here to go directly to Kenneth Snelson’s Tetrahedral Vertebral Mastvery interesting writing on the connection between weaving and tensegrity.

Buckminster Fuller coined the term and took the principle in new directions in the 1950s and 1960s with engineering marvels such as the geodesic dome whose principles of construction are  based upon tensegrity. He was a comprehensive thinker and saw that the concept of tensegrity could be employed to describe and explain complex systems far beyond architecture or art. e.g. see my paper How Tensegrity Models reality
Amy Edmondson’s A Fuller Explanation gives a good explanation of Fullier’s ideas, now back in print and available at:

Donald E. Ingber MD PhD, Professor of Pathology at the Harvard Medical School, has been the preeminent researcher of cellular tensegrity structures. Thanks to his research, it is understood that biological forms at the cellular level are tensegrities.

Dr. Stephen Levin is at the macro end of the biological scale; an orthopedic surgeon, he has pioneered the field of Biotensegrity and has provided the best explanatory theory for muscular/skeletal biomechanics.

Tom Myers is the author of the book Anatomy Trains (now in it’s second edition), the term used by this Structural Integrationist and anatomist/researcher to describe myofascial meridians and the tensegrity connections in the fascial fabric.
Download at 20-page summary of the first edition of Anatomy Trains at:

Dr. Jim Oschman’s work and books have played a pivotal role in synthesizing and explaining the scientific basis of alternative and complementary therapies. He has written extensively on the whole system networks that form the human body and has used the tensegrity principle as a theoretical framework to explain them.

Phil Earnhardt writes about Pilates and tensegrity on his site.

Tom Flemons is an inventor, designer, and sculptor. He has been building tensegrity toys,sculptures and furniture for 30 years. He is now creating working tensegrity models of human anatomy that directly demonstrate the principle of biotensegrity .

Serge Gracovetsky PhD, Serge is a bio-mechanist and writes on the role of fascia in the bio-mechanics of the body.

Valentín Gómez Jáuregui, is an engineer and writer who has written the definitive book on the history and uses of Tensegrity.  Controversial Origins of Tensegrity,

René Motro PhD, is an engineer, writer and researcher of Tensegrity Systems. Tensegrity: Structural Systems for the Future 2003,

Robert E. Skelton, Mauricio C. de Oliveira, is an engineer, writer and researcher of Tensegrity Systems
Tensegrity Systems 2010,

Robert Schleip, PhD. is a researcher and writes on the role of fascia in the bio-mechanics of the body. Fascia Research Project, Institute of Applied Physiology, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany

Graham Scarr C.Biol, MSB,DO  is an osteopath and bio-tensegrity theorist in private practice in Great Britain

Vytas Sunspiral is a roboticist and tensegrity designer at NASA