Category Archives: Pelvis
T-Pelvis jan-08 front-3-4
Tensegrity pelvis: Ilium and sacrum modeled as a section of an octet truss
A closer look at the pelvis suggests that ilium and the sacrum together can be usefully modeled as a section of an octet truss. Continue reading Tensegrity pelvis: Ilium and sacrum modeled as a section of an octet truss
T-Pelvis _ Tensegrity Pelvis 12-07
T-Pelvis _ Double T front-balanced
T-Pelvis _ Double T-pelvis
T-Pelvis Double Tensioned Pelvis
T-Pelvis _ DTP3_4
T-Pelvis _ IMG_09_10_11
T-Pelvis _ IMG_0656
T-Pelvis _ IMG_0708_09_10
T-Pelvis _ IMG_0830_28_29_31_33_34_35_36_37_38_39
This image of the pelvis is based on the recognition that the pelvic girdle can be described modelled as an octet truss. Continue reading T-Pelvis _ IMG_0830_28_29_31_33_34_35_36_37_38_39